Thursday, September 23, 2010

Jr. Show Supreme - WI Sheep & Wool Festival

Jenna Langer, DeForest, WI, showed the Supreme Champion Meat Breed Ewe of the junior show on Sept. 12. at the WI Sheep & Wool Festival. Her yearling ewe, MB Genetics 8F-4V4, was also the Res. Champion at the WI State Fair junior show in August. Sired by MB Genetics 4F-C, she is a half-sib to the Reserve Supreme Ewe of the Festival open show. Her dam is a daughter of "The Edge".

Monday, September 13, 2010

WI Sheep & Wool Festival Reserve Supreme Ewe

MB Genetics 8F-6KE was Champion Southdown Ewe and Reserve Supreme Meat Breed Ewe on Sept. 11 at the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival open show. This yearling was sired by MB Genetics 4F-C. Her dam was Grand Champion of the 2006 National Jr. Show and is the twin sister of "Intuition", 2006 All-American and National Jr. Show Grand Champion Ram.

Our February ewe lamb was Reserve Champion and is sired by "Image" and out of a daughter of "The Edge". Judge was Judy Moore of Michigan.

Friday, September 3, 2010

This cool, rainy September day has brought relief from the heat of the summer to the breeding pasture. Six-strand electrified high tensile is perfect to keep breeding groups intact.